Our Team

Marieme Fall

Marieme Fall (Senegal) - has experience in research monitoring and evaluation through work conducted with iNGOs in Senegal, but also international universities. She is committed to bridging the gap between research findings and practical interventions, aiming to improve health outcomes for vulnerable populations.

Ben Cislaghi

Beniamino Cislaghi (Italy) - has collaborated with several NGOs (Oxfam, Tostan, Save, Care, Plan), UN organizations (UNICEF, ILO, WHO), and Universities (including Stanford, Columbia, Hopkins, Makerere).

Nina Blackwell

Nina Blackwell (Australia/USA) - Nina is the former Executive Director of the Firelight Foundation. She has been privileged by philanthropy and international development in a myriad of ways and – as such - is committed to shifting power to where it should belong - with activists, communities and citizens.